34 Funny Church Signs

Written by Valerie Riese

17th November 2022

We’re going to have a little fun with a collection of 34 funny church signs poking fun at everything from the Super Bowl to your pets. But before you scroll through for a few laughs, I’d like to plant a little seed, so please indulge me for a moment.

Do you remember the last advertisement you saw that didn’t make you want to turn the channel? Can you tell me about the commercial you never get sick of seeing, no matter how often it’s played? Will you admit which twenty-second spot had you yelling across the house to your spouse, “Get over here, quick, or you’ll miss it!”

What about the commercial is so appealing to you? What made it stand out with all the noise?

I bet it made you laugh.

At Click Nonprofit, we have passion to help you amplify the Gospel using ad grant dollars. I invite you to consider the following benefits of using humor in an upcoming advertising campaign.

  • I wish I had bought the t-shirt that said “No Jesus, no joy. Know Jesus, know joy.” Laughter creates an emotional connection of joy, understanding, and acceptance. What better connection to make with Jesus than laughter!
  • Humor is memorable,
  • Jokes are easy and fun to share.
  • Laughter is good for mental health.
  • Funny church signs grab people’s attention because they’re unique. Church is often viewed as a solemn and serious experience, so humor tells people church is also fun.

Funny Church Signs About our Relationship with God

This is your life without Christ, written backwards.
Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - no point
Some people forget how to pray until the cop makes a u-turn
Some people forget how to pray until the cop makes a u-turn
God wants full custody - not just weekend visits
God wants full custody – not just weekend visits
Facebook alert: You have one friend request from Jesus. Confirm or Ignore
Facebook alert: You have one friend request from Jesus. Confirm or Ignore
Lord, help us to be the people our dogs think we are
Lord, help us to be the people our dogs think we are
Tweet others as you would be tweeted
Tweet others as you would be tweeted

Funny Church Signs About the Seasons

With all this rain we need an ark. Fear not! (Wait for it...) We Noah guy!
With all this rain we need an ark. Fear not! (Wait for it…) We Noah guy!
Silly rabbit Easter is for Jesus!
Silly rabbit Easter is for Jesus!
they told me no fall puns, but I can't help myself. I'm just acorn-y person.
they told me no fall puns, but I can’t help myself. I’m just acorn-y person.
Fall for Jesus, He never leaves
Fall for Jesus, He never leaves
Being Christian means not hating. We know - it makes football season hard.
Being Christian means not hating. We know – it makes football season hard.
(Super Bowl) Bible quiz: How many verses in the bible are about "eagles" and "patriots?" Eagles 33, Patriots 0
(Super Bowl) Bible quiz: How many verses in the bible are about “eagles” and “patriots?” Eagles 33, Patriots 0
God welcomes even the biggest turkeys
God welcomes even the biggest turkeys
Whoever keeps praying for snow - we're impressed. Now pray for world peace!
Whoever keeps praying for snow – we’re impressed. Now pray for world peace!

Funny Church Signs About Mental Health

This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it's gonna pass.
This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it’s gonna pass.
It's OK to fall apart. Tacos do all the time, and we still love them.
It’s OK to fall apart. Tacos do all the time, and we still love them.
Don't let worries kill you. Let the church help.
Don’t let worries kill you. Let the church help.
Don't give up. Moses was once a basket case.
Don’t give up. Moses was once a basket case.
Looking or a lifeguard? Ours walks on water.
Looking or a lifeguard? Ours walks on water.

Funny Church Signs About Politics

America, the Donkey & Elephant won't help. We must turn back to the Lamb.
America, the Donkey & Elephant won’t help. We must turn back to the Lamb.
Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out.
Don’t be so open-minded your brains fall out.

Funny Church Signs About Sin

Sin burn is prevented by Son screen
Sin burn is prevented by Son screen
What happens in Vegas is forgiven here.
What happens in Vegas is forgiven here.
Keep using my name in vain, and I'll make it hotter. -God
Keep using my name in vain, and I’ll make it hotter. -God
Paper cut: A tree's final moment of revenge.
Paper cut: A tree’s final moment of revenge.
Whoever stole our AC units, keep one. It is hot where you're going.
Whoever stole our AC units, keep one. It is hot where you’re going.
Choose the Bread of Life or you are toast
Choose the Bread of Life or you are toast

Funny Church Signs About the Church

God's Garden: Lettuce be kind. Squash gossip, and turnip for church.
God’s Garden: Lettuce be kind. Squash gossip, and turnip for church.
Same management for 2000 years!
Same management for 2000 years!
Best sausage supper in St. Louis. Come and eat Pastor Thomas Ressler.
Best sausage supper in St. Louis. Come and eat Pastor Thomas Ressler.
God didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitos come pretty close.
God didn’t create anything without a purpose, but mosquitos come pretty close.
Just love everyone. I'll sort 'em out later -God
Just love everyone. I’ll sort ’em out later -God
We are not Dairy Queen, but we have some great Sundays.
We are not Dairy Queen, but we have some great Sundays.


When done tastefully, humor can be a powerful part of your church growth strategy. Sure, a lot of the above signs may be Dad jokes, but I know you got a few good laughs and you’ve probably already thought of a few people with whom to share our post. Get creative and have a little fun with your advertising dollars. For an example of how we used humor to teach an otherwise dry topic, see our Church Blogging for Beginners post. If you’d like help to craft your next online advertising campaign, please reach out for a free consultation.

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